The Misadventures of Motherhood

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mission Accomplished: Haiti Bound

Thank you to all my friends and family who opened up their hearts and wallets to help Trey and I prepare for the Haiti mission. We have reached our financial goal and could not have done this without you. I am overwhelmed with all of the love and the words of support and encouragement you all have given. We are a mere 11 days away from our departure and had a wonderful group meeting last night with our mission team. We talked about the things we will be doing while on the mission, where we’ll be staying, and what we plan to accomplish while there.

Our mission leader has received correspondence from several orphanages in Haiti and believes we will be spending quite a bit of time visiting various orphanages. One of the churches sponsoring some of our missionaries did a toy drive and was able to collect crayons, coloring books, and other items for the children. Quite a few people have asked if they could make donations such as clothes, toiletries, toothbrushes, etc. The answer is “YES”! If you are interested in sending products to hand out to the people of Haiti, please contact me on Facebook or by sending an email to It will cost us about $33 for each box that we pack.

Originally, we were going to be staying in the city of Saint Marc, which is about 2 hours north of Port-au-Prince. Those plans have been changed and we will now be staying in Port-au-Prince proper about 5 miles from the airport. I’m not sure what the accommodations will be like but we have been told to pack sleeping bags. I am trying to mentally prepare for that. Maybe I should physically prepare by sleeping on the floor for a few days in my sleeping bag.

If we are each able to get one person to follow Christ, our mission will be accomplished. I have faith, however, that we will be able to reach more than that. Now that we have reached our financial goal, I am going to need all my prayer warriors here in the states to cover us in prayer specifically from our departure on June 24 through our return on July 2. Trey and I (as well as our team) need at least 3 people praying for us on a daily basis, providing protection through prayer. The war that we are about to fight is not fought with guns but with the Word.

Thank you again to all those who gave, all those who wanted to give but were unable, and all those who continue to keep us in your prayers. We love you!

Grace and Peace,

Naivasha and Trey

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mission Haiti: $10 Thursday

Greetings friends and family!! Trey and I are a mere 15 days away from embarking on this mission to Haiti. It seems like things are coming together yet I feel all over the place. We have not reached our goal for this mission so I am continuing to call on you for not just spiritual support but financial support. I know times are tough in this economic climate but every little bit helps in our journey. Do not think your contribution may be too small. I’m calling today “Ten Dollar Thursday”. If you have $10 to give, please contribute to our mission. We are falling short from our goal but I have faith that the goal will be met. If you are interested in learning a little more about the organization we are working with, you can visit their website at

Thank you so much for the continued love and support you have all shown us.

Serving together,

Naivasha and Trey

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Mission to Go on a Mission

We are within 4 weeks of the departure for Haiti. Trey is going about his life the way most 8 year olds getting ready for a mission go about their lives. Doing the same things he does everyday without concern that he’s about to do something bigger than him. I just wish he would stop saying the mission to Hawaii because Hawaii is soooo different from Haiti (although Hawaii sounds good right about now).

As the mission draws nearer, my anxiety level raises a pinch each day. I think that I am just ready to be there and do whatever it is I’ve been called to do. The human part of me wants to get back into my routine and stay in my comfort zone. But when God calls on you to do something, you have to do it and it may make you feel uneasy. It’s not necessarily supposed to be easy. Things are not necessarily supposed to fall into place. When Satan knows you’re doing something for the Lord, that’s when he has his field day.

His latest game is to make it challenging for my supporters to make donations. He knows people have a hard time going to a website they do not normally visit, pull out a credit card that may be in a purse that’s clear across the room or upstairs far away, and type in the necessary numbers to make a donation. So what he’s done is made it even more difficult by denying transactions and telling donors there is something wrong with the website.

I ask that my prayer warriors say a pray to push Satan away from those who are trying to make contributions to this mission. Let him know he is not wanted and all supporters will get through. Departure is just 24 days away. YIKES! (Saying that out loud makes me nervous) If you have tried to make a donation, please continue to press on. Don’t fall for Satan’s tricks. We WILL be going on this mission despite his roadblocks!

Love always,

Naivasha & Trey

Monday, May 9, 2011

Proud Mom - Mission Haiti

The countdown continues for the mission to Haiti. I’ve been told, as we get closer to the mission, Satan will be working all up and through my life. With 6 weeks left to go, I find that this is true. Doubts of being able to raise enough funds are hovering while a little fear of the unknown (moving out of my comfort zone) is lingering in my spirit. The Bible, however, tells us that faith and fear cannot co-exist so I’m praying to fight against that evil spirit. We had our first prayer group phone call this past Saturday night and for the first time in my life, I prayed publicly. I have never prayed out loud amongst others ever in my life so I have marked that moment as a little personal growth.

Earlier this week I had a fabulous girlfriend make a very generous donation that re-ignited that flame that I needed to get me over this hump. In addition to that, my son reminded me in a way only a kid could, that there is no turning around from this mission. Last week, his baseball coach expressed that he wanted to submit Trey to the baseball All Star team. Being a part of the All Star team is not only an honor; it’s a major commitment. To accept the position, players and parents must be 100% committed. It is (bare minimum) an additional month and a half added on to the regular season with practices at least 3 times a week and tournaments that begin at the end of June. Being 100% committed to the practices would not be a problem but the tournament begins right around the time of the Haiti mission.

Instead of being parents that tell our kids what they are going to do, we like for our children to be a part of the decisions that affect their lives. With that said, Trey was informed about the All Star team, the commitment that goes with it and how it conflicts with the Haiti trip. His response? “The people at church told me I need to minister to the kids in Haiti so I choose the Haiti mission.” Be still my heart. Straight out of the mouth of an 8-year old God spoke to me. Proud does not even scratch the surface of what I feel for this kid. If my 8-year old did not hesitate about his purpose, why am I?

This mission is even more important to me now than it was a month ago. I continue to pray for the tools we need to get us there and do whatever it is God wants me to do. I appreciate all the love and support we have received thus far and continue to pray for assistance. If you can forgo your Starbucks this morning to donate to the mission, it would be much appreciated. Please share this story with your friends and family and help our church get to Haiti for this mission.

Peace and blessings,

Naivasha & Trey


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